We are a small community church, supporting ventures locally and globally, based on the financial gifts we receive from generous people, who are committed followers of Jesus Christ. All gifts are given voluntarily, with a generous heart that is grateful for all that God has given to us. Our leadership team and treasurer manage the finances as we believe God directs.

If you are part of our Connect Church family, thank you for your continual investment into the Kingdom of God through Connect Church. If you currently give electronically please continue to do so, if not please consider giving that way at this time, to help us to be good stewards, to plan well and to continue to invest into God’s Mission here and around the world.


Name: Connect Church Engadine
BSB: 062164
Account No: 00906262

If you’d like to know more or have concerns, please contact us and our Treasurer will be happy to make time to discuss our financial status with you.